In Bevazzana, a small town between S. Michele al Tagliamento and Lignano Sabbiadoro, the ancient core of the agricultural farm “dott. Domenico Toniatti Giacometti” is located with its lands, that are dedicated to the cultivation of vineyards. In an area devoted to viticulture, since 1500 the Toniatti Giacometti family has positioned itself as a reference point for the territory, founding the first Social Winery for the town of Latisana. The engineers of the family were the promoters of the reclamation of the neighbouring Venetian Lagoon, which gives wine producers salinity and a bouquet of aromas in white wines and fruity fragrances. The vocation of growing vines has its roots in the earliest history of the area. Ancient romans made the most of agriculture also due to the easy transportation, using roads, which led toward and to the other side of the Alps.